Brain Gymnastics, Idea Refresher
Our brain consisting of two split, left and right. Surprisingly, 85% of human being lives by relying on the left brain. One part of its rest utilize combine both, and plays favorites again use right brain. That is conclusion many cerebral researches.
Of function facet, consisting of brain two left clefts and right it pretending to have three-dimensional which interactions. With optimize purpose all a part it, function racks brains to get is optimized. Darling, not everybody can do it. One of the ways optimize purpose all brain dimension is gymnastic brain.
Not necessarily Special Time
Gymnastic racks brains or brain gym is one series of training get simple body movement basis. That movement is made to stimulate left brain and right (lateral dimension); soften or relaxation the back brain and brain fore (focusing dimension); stimulating bound up system with feel / emotional, namely racks brains mean (limbic) and cerebellum (concentration dimension).
As initiate, you can do it simple movement pass while does knockabout activity. “This gymnastic can be done without special time, can also while watch television”, before practice self you necessary special instructor guidance.
Popular at America and Europe
According to Paul E. Denisson Ph.D., gymnast racks brains from Educational Kinesiology's institute, United States of America, even simple, brain gym can make easy studying activity and does fitting to stress, challenge of, and life charge everyday. Observational expert racks brains this is which first time introduce to methodic this therapy at America, 19 year ago.
Initially gymnastic brain is utilized for child what does experience hyperactive trouble, damage racks brains, be hard concentration and depression. But in its developing one any one can utilize its to multiple diverse utility.
In this time, at America and Europe brain gym's being liked. There are many person which perceive helping to release stress, clearing up think, increasing recall, etcetera. Hankering? Safe tries!
Kind of Brain gymnastics
Brain switch movement
Brain switch (soft network be collarbone at left and right breast bone) massaged during 20-30 second with one hand, temporary another hand holds or massage right side and left navel.
Optimize message delivery from left brain to right or on the contrary, increase oxygen acceptance, and stimulation blood stream so that fluenter flow to brain.
Utility: optimize know-how motorik soft, repair body attitude, increase energy, decrease stress visual and relaxation nape of neck with shoulder.
- Cross movement
This movement activates brain both sides connection and be heating movement for all know-how that need part diameter crossing lateral body.
Activate eye movement from left to right, increase sight harmonization (binocular).
Utility: optimize job writes, hear, read and realize, increase stamina, repair respiration, sense of hearing and sight
Switch Earths
Fingertip one of the nudges under lip, another fingertip at edge on genitals bone (15 cm be navel). At touch up during 30 second, or 4-6 full breath time.
Increase coordination and concentration (see vertically and horizontal all at once without wrong, like moment read column in table).
Utility: decrease way of thinking exhaustion (stress), optimize job kind likes organization, art planning, accountancy.
Counterbalancing switch
This movement will return three body balance dimensions (right left, on bottom, back front). Press ‘ counterbalancing switch ‘ + 4-5 cm to left and to right from middle/hollowing line at hair limit between skull and above spine. While hand one the touches navel, up to 30 seconds.
Increase concentration, decision making, asosiatif's thinking, sensitivity sense for balance, clean idea and watch over permanent body relax.
Utility: understand between the line concept (moment read), excoriate, decrease drunk trip and pressure at ear because height change, optimize job writes report, using telephone or computer.
Relax hook
Join with others left foot above right foot, and left hand above right hand with thumb position downwards. Hand second finger mutual holds, then pull hand up at navel and then forwards breast. Closed eye and moment interesting breath, tongue goes to palate and discharge while expiration. Next, open foot crossing, and hand fingertip mutual touch softly at breast or at lap, while take breath in 1 minute again.
Increase coordination motorik soft and reasonable thinking, and emotional centralization
Utility: hearing active, businesslike speaking, face to essay and works by type board, continence and balance.
Note: To prevent muscle stress, before begins your advisable training drink severally white water glass. Total water who shall consume is one-third body heavy time.
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